Secondary control panel
Data output panel 2
Layer Manager

The basic design - introduction

The basic section of this work sets out the fundamental static architectural design of the Great Pyramid of Giza onto which the dynamic animated graphics are added in the subsequent sections. Understanding this fundamental design is essential for understanding the rest of the work and as this section contains no animated dynamic geometry it is consequently quite a 'dry' read. It is worth spending the time to read it in full and things will then get a lot more interesting in the more advanced sections.

The starting premise

The reverse engineering of the pyramid's architecture shown in this basic design section is premised upon the architecture of the building being designed geometrically and that the geometry is formed from a scale model of the Earth. This premise will be investigated in depth in this work up to the point where it is proven beyond all doubt and as a consequence the origins of the pyramid will become apparent.

The first geometry

The interactive drawing shows two highlighted items, a polar cross section of the Earth with the equator drawn across it and the base line of the pyramid, the length of which is half circumference of the Earth's cross section. The scale of the Earth model required to facilitate this geometry fitting the building's surveyed base length is 1 : 86,842.

The cross section of the Earth has to be accurate, and its dimensions are drawn from the information contained in the WGS84 standard reference ellipsoid of the Earth . At the top of the screen the details of the reference ellipsoid are displayed in the 'reference ellipsoid panel', which shows that the current model in use is "Sea level WGS84 at 1 : 86842".

The geometric polar cross section of the Earth is an ellipse, which will be named the 'principal ellipse', and its formation data is shown in the object information panel, to the right of the drawing, labeled 'Ellipse A'. The ellipse is positioned so that its lower turning point is located at the center of the pyramid's base.

In this basic drawing the geometric line representing the base of the pyramid is positioned to be concurrent with the surveyed architecture of the building. The length of the pyramid's baseline is known to an accuracy of just over a centimeter because of the excellent state of preservation of the first level of stonework of the pyramid and the quality of the surveying measurements.

The first problem

This simple proposition contains only two basic elements, yet there is an important logic problem involved within it. Because the height of the pyramid is not known due to the missing apex, then any detailed analysis of the Earth's geometry and its relationship to the building's architecture using the ellipse as a starting object is impossible.

The building's design is as much of a logic puzzle as it is an engineering wonder and when the pyramid was constructed, the apex of the pyramid was deliberately left off the building as the opening line of that logic puzzle. It is necessary to start any analysis of the architecture from the base length of the pyramid, which is half of the ellipse's circumference, because this is the only measurable quantity.

Last edited: 31st July 2019
Last code/graphics edit: 29th March 2021